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The Future of Leadership: What Leaders Want in 2024


When predicting what challenges will top the list for leaders in the year ahead, managing well-being and results will continue to be a challenge in the new world of work that increasingly prioritizes work/life balance and flexibility.

As organizations seek to course-correct after the disruptions of the last few years, there will no doubt be continued change and turbulence in the workplace. Finding a way to strike a balance between well-being and results will be imperative to creating organizational cultures that promote wellness and meets the bottom line.

Overall, I am a firm believer that soft skills, or people skills, are high priorities. Whether you are looking to hone your leadership skills or learn more about how to find (and lead with) balance, assessments can help you create the foundation for building effective people/soft skills in yourself and others.

People/soft skills are defined as effective communication, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and teamwork. These skills provide the foundation for building psychologically safe workplaces, help people navigate change more intuitively, and promote cohesive teamwork – all skills needed to navigate the more tangible challenges that will no doubt continue to emerge as we move into 2024.

As a DISC certified coach, I can explain to you how an assessment tool can help you rise to the top. Using assessments provides a laser-focused method for quickly achieving deeper insights that might otherwise take months or years to bring to light. Assessments can yield considerable gains in self-awareness and self-perception that you can use to better understand yourself and others. Leaders can use those insights for more actionable goal-setting and relationship building.

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