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Data trumps hunches and prevents bias from corrupting important decisions. Throughout the latter half of the 20th Century, Fortune 500s relied on behavioral & cognitive assessments to inform all aspects of their personnel decisions— from an employee’s initial selection and training to their team role and eventual promotion. These paper based assessments had to be individually calculated by a highly trained professional, making them too expensive for most organizations to afford. However with the advancement of new computer technologies and algorithms, the cost of such assessments has dropped measurably, leveling the playing feld for businesses of all sizes

For 20+ years, we have provided consultants, coaches, and corporations the tools to optimize hiring processes and maximize performance.
Our validated assessments, flexible platform, and exceptional support have positioned us as a "Global Leader in Assessment Technology."

Improve Hiring & Selection
The right person in the right job is priceless. The wrong one is a nightmare waiting to happen. Accurately identify job applicants BEFORE the interview, make scientifcally informed judgments and build an organization of A+ employees

Increase Sales
Teach your sales team powerful behavior profling skills. Empower them to identify— to your organization’s advantage— observable behaviors, then adapt their selling style to ft the customer’s buying style.

Improve Customer Service
Know in advance that your people believe in your organization and care about your customers. Better equip and train your customer support team with the invaluable communication and behavior profling skills that pay countless dividends.

Increase Productivity
Identify with scientifc accuracy the strengths and shortcomings of each employee. Create observable action plans, from the data, that maximizes your organization’s talent.

Reduce Employee Turnover
Ensure the best possible positional job “ft” for each new hire. Great ft means stronger retention rates, which lowers the costs associated with turnover.

Customize Employee Training
One size fts ONE, not all. Learn how each person learns best and get them back to productivity sooner.

Model Team Building
Know who fts with whom in advance. Create your teams based on compatible skills and traits, not just generic ideas of balance. Top-level teams are comprised of behaviorally compatible members with an optimal array of complimenting proficiencies.

Designed for KIDS, PARENTS, TEACHERS, and more!
Created especially for kids, using language that they understand.
Customized communication strategies for children based on their bird style.
Three report sections provide helpful information for the child and the adults in their lives.
Gain a deeper understanding of a child's behavior.

A comprehensive report with actionable items for everyone
The Kids DISC report is customized based on each child's assessment results. In addition to information about the child's style, they also receive tips for identifing and interacting with the other styles at school, in sports and activities, and with family and friends.

Gain immediate insights
The Kids DISC assessment is an opportunity for children to learn more about themselves! Inside the report, kids, and the adults around them, will discover how special and unique they are. Each child's bird style is their superpower, and the Kids DISC assessment by Assessments 24x7 helps them be the best that they can be.
What is DISC?DISC is a needs-motivated, observable behavioral profiling system which measures the energy you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details.
Which style is the Best?Your style is the best! All styles have unique strengths and challenges.
What makes DISC so popular?DISC is a short description of YOU, custom designed in 10-15 minutes. It helps you to recognize your own style, see what works about you, and control your own style. It tells others how to communicate with you, anticipates normal tensions in relationships, shows you how to read others and adapt your communication.
Why do people like DISC?DISC shares information about our favorite topic – us! It is also a quick and easy assessment, and the model is easy to recall, non-threatening, makes authentic sharing easy.
What does DISC actually measure?DISC measures our underlying emotions, needs and fears (like an iceberg), the primary concerns that drive all behavior. Through self-selection, you choose the words that are most like you and the words that are least like you, and through those responses, the tool reveals your behavioral style.
Why don’t all Ds (or Is, Ss, or Cs) act/communicate the same?We all have different biases, preferences, motivations/values, critical thinking skills, experience, education, and intelligence levels that influence our behavior. DISC is a combination of nature and nurture, so we all have had different things shape us. The same way that we all have different hair or prefer different flavors of ice cream, we all act and communicate in different ways. Plus, we need all four styles in the world to be as effective as possible.
How many DISC Assessments are there?We provide only 1 assessment, but the results of that assessment can be used for a variety of reports (DISC Self, DISC Leadership, DISC Sales, etc.)
What happens if someone tried to outsmart or trick the instrument? Is it easy?The DISC assessment can be tricked, but it’s not that easy! It is not always obvious what the answer “should” be (most and least is the basis, not a scale, and the algorithm is based on both). There are also some answers that are specifically validity answers to ensure integrity.
How accurate are the DISC assessment results?DISC has high statistical accuracy, validity, reliability through studies over many years. The best measure of validity is YOU – does it represent how others see you behaving at least 80+% of the time? If there is inaccuracy, it is typically caused by human errors– time, focus, objectivity. If you think too much, take too long, focus on more than one area or try to trick the instrument, the results could be inaccurate. It’s best to do it quickly, without too much analyzing, and go with your natural response or gut feeling
Would the report be different if I took the DISC in a different role?Yes, it provides a snapshot of who you are in your adapted styles at the time you took the assessment, depending on the role you had in mind. Keep focused on a single role.
What do I do if mine is inaccurate?Some styles never feel they get it “right”. Ask someone who know you what they see to ensure you aren’t missing something (blind spot).
If you take the DISC Assessment in different periods of your life will the results be the same?Do you have the same attitudes, beliefs and values? Are you living the same life? DISC is a snapshot of how you see yourself in the activity, focus, and environment which you are answering. As you think, so you are. Behavior is always affected by the decisions you are making or may not make, and you can choose to change. However, your natural tendencies may be more consistent.
What is the energy line?DISC measures the energy of life you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details. The energy line is the mid-line representing 50%: styles above it are high, and below it are low (in varying degrees). Below the line you are holding back energy, and above the line you are pushing energy forward. The energy line shows how much energy you are putting into each area.
What’s the difference between Graphs I & II?What are you most and what are you least? Based on the words you sorted, your graphs are determined with you most scores showing as adapted, and least scores showing as natural. We are most honest about ourselves when we look at our “leasts” so your least answers are reversed to reveal your natural style.
What does the number mean after the Pattern is identified under my two graphs?The number indicates where your highlighted boxes show up on the word sketch on the previous pages next to the 1-6 scale of intensity. Ex: (1324) – D is a 1, I is a 3, S is a 2, C is a 4 on your associated word sketch.
How can people with different graphs, plot in the same place on the wheel?The wheel only plots 60 of the possible DISC Graphs. Plotting is determined by the styles that are 50% and above. The graphs are determined by what styles show up above the midline and their intensity so a variety of combinations can match a single segment on the wheel.
What are invalid or inaccurate, unusual graphs?When all points are near the mid-line, you may get an unusual graph. Often this depends on focus while taking the assessment, inconsistent answers indicating stress and over-adapting, or someone uncertain of their role. This will typically show up with a missing star or circle on the Behavior Pattern View (Wheel). We recommend you take it over again in a few months.
How old is DISC?DISC has been around for a long time! The 4 quadrant distinctions have roots in the ancient four humors theory, but it was Hippocrates around 400 BC who brought it to medical theory with the four temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Each were associated to certain moods, emotions and behaviors. Many others also shaped our modern view of the temperaments. In the 1920’s Freud & Jung first began studying human behavior. Dr. William Moulton Marston was the first to conduct research on the emotions of normal people, and he developed the four behavior types in 1928 that precede what we use today: D – Dominance, I – Inducement, S – Submission, and C – Compliance. He taught DISC-Literacy, and how to understand observable clues to tell their story as well as what motivates the primary style. Although William Moulton Marston contributed to the creation of the DISC Assessment, he did not create it or even intend to use DISC as an assessment. It was Walter Clarke in 1956 who created the DISC assessment based on Marston’s theory. About 10 years later, the first self-description test was used asking respondents to choose between terms to identify their style. There have been many versions of the DISC model and the assessment tool used, with varying degrees of validity and reliability.
How accurate would it be to use DISC compared to an ideal DISC for job selection?DISC should be used for no more than 20% of the job criteria at best and should not be used as a lone tool for selection. In combination with other evaluations, DISC can be helpful in providing supporting information or suggestions of where someone may fit on a team. We have other Selection and Hiring tools that can support you as well! Visit our assessment catalog at
How does MBTI compare to DISC?MBTI is more complicated for the average person, and DISC is more intuitive to read and understand. With DISC, a coach isn’t necessary to explain – it’s only 4 styles that are very simple and practical. MBTI is 16 combinations of 4 different letters. MBTI is also a psychological assessment, DISC is needs-based, observable behavior and emotion. DISC is self-assessment, and MBTI is evaluated by another party.
What should I do once I have taken the DISC to continue forward? What comes next? What works well with DISC?There are a variety of options for you to consider as a next step. Any of our Core Assessments build your self-awareness, and reveal different parts of who we are and what drives us. You can take individual reports (DISC, Motivators, Learning Styles, Hartman Value Profile (Critical Thinking), or Emotional IQ), or you can check out our combination reports (DISC and Motivators, DISC and Learning Styles). There are also 360 degree options for you that will reveal other’s perceptions of you (Platinum Rule 360° and Social Styles 360°). We are happy to help you plan your own development path if you would like to discuss it with us!
What is the difference between DISC Self, DISC Sales, DISC Leadership, DISC Service, DISC Coaching and DISC Career Management?These reports are all based on the data/findings from the DISC Assessment, with different focused application to apply your learning in a simple and practical way. The main portion of the reports are similar, but each report offers specific suggestions and focused adaptability strategies for either sales, leadership, service, coaching, or career management.
What group reports are available? How much are they? How do I get them?We offer 5 FREE DISC group/team reports directly on your online account. DISC Group Graphs: Shows all DISC Graphs for selected team members DISC Integrated Behaviors: Plots selected members’ intensity in 12 behaviors DISC Team Report: Provides team snapshots, combo overview, and Wheel DISC Team Wheel: Plots selected members on Behavior Pattern View (Wheel) DISC Collaboration Report: Compares relationships of two selected individuals, with side by side highlights of perspectives and tendencies.
Core AssessmentsDISC: measures behavioral styles Motivators: measures motivational styles Hartman Value Profile: measures thinking styles Emotional IQ: measures emotional intelligence styles Learning Styles: measures learning Many of the world's top coaches and Fortune 500s rely on our assessments to ensure positive outcomes in the areas of employee selection, leadership development, sales & customer service training, team-building, communication & collaboration training, conflict resolution, and succession planning. Visit our assessment catalog to learn more at
Combined ReportsDISC & Motivators: measures behavioral & motivational styles DISC & Learning Styles: measures behavioral & learning styles Many of the world's top coaches and Fortune 500s rely on our assessments to ensure positive outcomes in the areas of employee selection, leadership development, sales & customer service training, team-building, communication & collaboration training, conflict resolution, and succession planning. Visit our assessment catalog to learn more at
Specialty ReportsSales IQ Plus: a sales skills test developed by three of the world’s top sales minds DISC Collaboration: a DISC based report that compares side-by-side the behavioral characteristics and tendencies of two individuals Many of the world's top coaches and Fortune 500s rely on our assessments to ensure positive outcomes in the areas of employee selection, leadership development, sales & customer service training, team-building, communication & collaboration training, conflict resolution, and succession planning. Visit our assessment catalog to learn more at
360° Behavioral ProfilesSocial Styles: Our most popular 360º Behavioral Profile evaluates the user’s place among four different behavioral styles in addition to his/her adaptability score. This report comes in two versions: Social Styles (self-emphasis with supporting observer data) OR Social Styles Plus (observer emphasis with supporting self-data). The Platinum Rule: This award-winning assessment is based off of Assessments 24x7 founder Dr. Tony Alessandra’s book by the same name. This behavioral assessment is very similar to DISC, except with 360° like functionality and unique terminology.
Hiring and SelectionWork Ethic Screen: This simple, low cost screening report designed to be used at the early stages of employee selection Executive Summary: This performance predicting report integrates three of our Core Assessments (DISC, Motivators and Hartman Value Profile) to provide employers with specific performance predictors, along with hiring & onboarding recommendations. Judgment Series: This Hartman Value Profile based, 3-report series includes separate documents for screening, selecting and on-boarding new employees DISC Fitness Benchmarking & Comparison System: This on-screen system and PDF report allows employers to compare new applicants to desirable job performance benchmarks by industry and compare job applicants to the assessment results of current employees, enabling them to create an employee composite of ideal scores.
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