Disc Assessment - Identify your Behavioral Styles
Assessments 24/7's most popular assessment and the world's number one behavioral profiling tool. A Behavior is often the strongest predictor of fit whether that is within a specific job, as a member of a team, or as the leader of an organization.
Learn to identify the behavioral styles of others and adapt your communication to increase sales, develop rock star leaders, and more.
- Disk provides a detailed analysis of an individual's natural (i.e. personal/internal)and adapted (i.e. workplace/external) behavioral styles.
- Disk predicts how a person will behave in a given rule or situation.
- The disk report offers a specific guidance for maximizing the outcome of any interpersonal or workplace communication.
Contact Waterloo Coaching Clinic to Order
Please contact us to order any Disc Assessment.
Email: inquiries@waterloocoachingclinic.ca or 1-226-270-2114.